Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Winner of CHNC challenge extra for December

Happy New Year

There were loads of entries for November's challenge - I was staggered when the entries started mounting up for December and, in fact, amounted to slightly more - what a fantastic surprise. Thank you so much, everyone, for making this challenge blog so special.

Unfortunately, there can only be one winner of the December challenge of the $21 of digital stamps from my generous sponsor, Bugaboo Stamps. Using random the winner is:

Number 419: Jessi, with this lovely card

Congratulations, Jessi. Please email me at hazelharris@ntlworld.com so that I can arrange for you to claim your prize.

I'm excited to be starting the new year with a fabulous Design Team of talented ladies.

January's challenge is here

I look forward to seeing your entries

And, once again, there will be a prize of $21 of digital stamps from Bugaboo Stamps
for the randomly chosen winner

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Introducing the Design Team

I am thrilled to say that the seven talented ladies invited to join me on the Design Team from January 2014 have all accepted.

Let me introduce ourselves:

'I'm Hazel, known in the crafting world as Craftyhazelnut. I live in Bromley, part of Greater London in the UK. I'm 66 and am married to John, who fully supports me in my obsession for accumulating (and using) crafting goodies. I've always been interested in crafting in one form or another; when I was younger I did a lot of knitting, embroidery, crocheting etc but over the past thirteen years or so have been more involved in papercrafting, particularly cardmaking, although I dabble in scrapbooking from time to time.

Three years ago I started my weekly Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Challenges to help me focus on making Christmas cards throughout the year - I always need a large stock by September/October as I sell to raise money for charity, particularly for Tearfund. Having successfully run the weekly Christmas challenge blog for two years, I started the monthly Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Challenge extra blog where it's always 'anything goes as long as it's Christmas'. I have been overwhelmed at the response and decided by the end of the year that I need a Design Team, so here we are!

My name is Deanne Clarke-Saunders. My hubby and I live in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. I’m an elementary teacher but currently not working. I have always enjoyed playing with paper, scissors, glue, and ESPECIALLY crayons and pencil crayons, ever since I’ve been a small child. I just couldn’t stop playing, so I continued by scrapbooking and card-making! I love it!!! My hubby calls me a paper hoarder. He just MAY be right, but I’d never tell him that!!! A man doesn’t need to know he’s right!!! haha!

I'm so excited to be joining the brand new Design Team for Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge Extra. I live in Southern Rhode Island (USA) with my wonderful husband and three adorable girls. I started making cards about 12 years ago when someone introduced me to Stampin' Up! but really fell in love with papercrafting about 5 years ago. I stick mainly to card making, though every once in a while I foray off into the 'off the page' world. I thought originally that I would get into scrapbooking and that has just never happened. I am training up the next generation of paper crafters as my oldest daughter is starting to create cards on her own. And whatever the younger two see her doing, that is what they want to do. We go through a LOT of paper and tape at our house!

My name is Helen and I've been a card maker for many years. I particularly love stamping and Promarkers and my style is mostly clean and simple. I work for my local Abbeyfield Society as an activities coordinator and also teach card making workshops for Little Claire at weekends. As well as Little Claire, I'm also lucky enough to design for Pink Gem, Nutcrafters, Crafts-Too and Card Creations Plus and I'm part of the team for several challenge blogs. I love making Christmas cards and am really excited to be part of the team for Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Extra Challenge.

My name is Renate Valstar. I live in The Netherlands, at the westcoast near the sea. I've been married and I have a son and a daughter. I'll created cards for a few years. Starting with 3-D, now the most of my cards are made with stamps. I am very pleased that I've been asked for the DT team.

I've been making things for as long as I can remember thanks to the encouragement from my Mum. I've tried all sorts of crafts but papercraft is my favourite. I'm a freelance demonstrator and designer based in Norfolk, England with my Husband, Son and Cat. I belong to a few design teams but this is my first Christmas one and I'm really excited to have a reason to make Christmassy projects all year round.

Hi, my name is Rose and I am married to a wonderful man that not only supports my crafty (obsession) hobby but encourages it. We are empty nester's with just our two spoiled fur babies Precious and Q left at home.

I am thrilled that Hazel has asked me to be on her design team as I love making Christmas cards all year long.

Hello! My name is Suze and I live in New Zealand.

I have been card-making off and on for a number of years since a friend introduced me to rubber stamps although I now work mostly with digi stamps. My style is mainly CAS but I'm trying to learn new techniques. I first started blogging my cards in February 2012 so that I could enter some challenges. I initially started with mainly Christmas challenges to take the pressure off at the end of the year but have since found several others that have appealed to me. Since I live on the other side of the world, so many of the challenges are the opposite season to ours which certainly makes things interesting!

I am so looking forward to this new phase of CHNC challenge extra. Please give these ladies a warm welcome.

Meanwhile, the December challenge continues here - please click on the link or scroll down to see it and join in with your entries. There are already well over 500 entries .... please keep them coming!

Friday, 6 December 2013

Follow up to Design Team Call

Please scroll down for the December challenge or click here.

I was absolutely taken aback by the number of lovely crafters applying to be on my Design Team. I never expected so many entries - and, yes, I did also take into account the couple of emails I had as well as those who linked.

I originally said that I was looking for two or three folk to join me, not expecting that many would apply. There were so many entries for November that it had me thinking that I should try to have a larger team - at least we could share the commenting!

It was a really hard decision as to who to invite to join me. To make it fair I looked through the earlier months of the year to see how many of those applying had been sharing their cards then. I'm inviting 7 people who applied to be on the team who have submitted entries for the challenges every month.

I realise that some of you have been regular players since you discovered the blog and I am so grateful for your support and interest and I hope you will continue to share your festive makes and not be too disappointed at my decision.

I will continue to invite guest designers to join us for a specific month - I already have people lined up for January, February and March.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who shares their festive creations here, whether now and again or regularly - I love seeing all your wonderful inspirations.

By the end of this month, this challenge blog will have been running for a year and I hope that next year it continues to be a success, thanks to all of you.

Please scroll down for the December challenge or click here.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

CHNC challenge extra for December

Please click here to see the winner of CHNC challenge extra for November.

This challenge will last for the whole month of December - anything goes as long as it's Christmas - it doesn't have to be a card, you can link any project as long as it's Christmas!

There are just more and more lovely crafters adding their Christmas cards - there were 805 entries during November, a record number - thank you, everyone, for making this challenge blog such a success and a lovely place to share festive crafting. 

Christmas will come and go during this month, so this is an opportunity to share all those last minute cards ... and perhaps continuing making cards after the Big Day to start getting ahead for next year.

All of these monthly challenges are being generously sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps - a winner will be randomly chosen using random.

Bugaboo Stamps are proud to sponsor this challenge - they are offering $21 of digital stamps to the randomly selected winner.

Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Bugaboo Stamps: A Short Essay
As if raising five children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the world of papercrafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. That was two years ago. Today Bugaboo Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images, and we're still growing!  From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week! 
 If your taste runs to rubber (and you know who you are), you can find Bugaboo Stamps   at Totally Stampalicious. And finally, join the Bugaboo Stamps DT   for weekly challenges at Catch the Bug

Every month I am joined by a Guest Designer and for November I am pleased to welcome Kathy Barrett

Kathy writes:

'My name is Kathy Barrett and I currently live in a rural area of Arkansas with my husband and our 3 schnauzers.  Sadie, our oldest at 16, is in the photo with me.  I am a medical researcher by day and addicted stamper by night.  I was introduced to stamping in 2007 by a Kindergarten teacher, for whom I was a Renaissance Reader for 11 years.  I started out slowly, until I introduced my friend Margaret to stamping.  From there, we both became addicted and we have never looked back.  Last year I finally got brave enough to start a blog.  Outside of stamping and blogging, I enjoy doing dog agility with my youngest Schnauzer, Geena Bea.  I also volunteer with an animal rescue as donation coordinator, database manager and Foster Failure (we have adopted all our fosters!).  Stamping has become handy in that I make special cards for children who donate to our rescue and donors can purchase cards in honor/memory of someone or a pet.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to guest design at Hazelnuts Christmas Challenge!'

For her lovely easel card, Kathy has used 'candy cane bear' by Bugaboo Stamps - you can read about it here on Kathy's blog:

Thank you,  Kathy, for being my guest for this month. Please go over to Kathy's blog and leave her some comments.

This is my card for CHNC challenge 153: light it up- now closed - more about the card here:

And a card I've made for The Glory of Christmas 21: turquoise and brown - this challenge is now closed - you can read more about it here:

And this is my card for CHNC challenge 154 - open for entries until 22:00 UK time Friday 13 December - more info here:. This card is also for the Sweet Pea Stampers challenge: it's cold outside':

And this is my card for The Glory of Christmas 22: snow - you can read more about it here - that challenge is open until 23:55 on 21 December:

If you have any entries that would fit any of these challenges, we would love to see them there.

You may add any Christmas card or project to this challenge
it's 'anything goes' every month

There really aren't any rules as such - just have a look at what I've written on the right hand sidebar and join in! You may link as many entries as you like as long as they weren't blogged before 1 December 2013.

Weekly challenges will continue on my CHNC challenge blog - these usually have a theme - but any card that you enter there can be entered here as well, so you increase your chance of winning a prize. 

And, of course, you can chat about this monthly challenge extra blog on the CHNC facebook page as well - if you haven't joined that yet, please follow the link and 'like' the page.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with for this challenge - please add a link to your blog post (not your blog, but the actual post where your card can be found) by 20:00 UK time Tuesday 31 December.  Please mention my blog and create a link within the post for your creation. The winner will be announced at 23:00 UK  time on 31 December.  January's challenge will begin at midnight on 1 January, when I hope to have my new Design Team in place.

Please add your link to inlinkz. If by any chance it disappears, please leave a comment with the link to your blog post and I will make sure it is added. 

If you haven't done so already, please become a follower and grab my bright pink button to post on your sidebar and help continue to spread the word about this challenge blog - thank you.

Thank you for your support
I look forward to seeing your entries

This challenge will last for the whole month of December - anything goes as long as it's Christmas

Anything goes as long as it's Christmas

1. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  274. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  547. ionabunny  
2. Asha  275. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  548. Gail Scott  
3. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  276. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  549. Gail Scott  
4. rachel fisher  277. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  550. Ruby 4th  
5. rachel fisher  278. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  551. Suze #40  
6. scrappymo  279. Helen  552. Suze #41  
7. Christine Harrop  280. Karasiowa  553. Suze #42  
8. Carol  281. Lucy Patrick  554. Suze #43  
9. Liselot  282. Lucy Patrick  555. Gail Scott  
10. Scrappellen  283. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  556. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
11. Gail Scott  284. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  557. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
12. KT Fit Kitty  285. Lucy Patrick  558. Jo #7  
13. Brenda B  286. Ruby  559. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
14. Ulla  287. AJ  560. Beth F  
15. Sandra H  288. Louise H  561. Misseke  
16. Helen  289. Mian Hahne  562. crafty  
17. Helen  290. Gail Scott  563. Gail Scott  
18. Helen  291. Gail Scott  564. Gail Scott  
19. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  292. Kitt  565. fabiola  
20. Skräpi  293. Dee's Cards  566. Gail Scott  
21. Dee's Cards  294. Suze #22  567. Karasiowa  
22. Cass  295. Suze #23  568. Cindy Groh  
23. fabiola  296. Alli D  569. Kitt  
24. Denise  297. Beth F  570. leny w  
25. Jacky - Paddington Fan  298. vic  571. Gail Scott  
26. Deborah  299. Gail Scott  572. Rose # 9  
27. Beebeebabs  300. fabiola  573. Gail Scott  
28. Gibmiss  301. Gail Scott  574. caroline woodhall  
29. Suze #1  302. Gail Scott  575. Theresa P  
30. Mrs A.  303. KT Fit Kitty  576. Bettina  
31. Kym  304. Ginny B  577. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
32. Melissa Miranda  305. Gail Scott  578. Gloria Shirr  
33. Rose #1  306. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  579. Debbie  
34. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  307. caroline woodhall  580. Leona  
35. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  308. Gail Scott  581. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
36. Louise H  309. Amy A. (all things beautiful)  582. Lalkygirl  
37. Marjan  310. rachel fisher  583. Kym  
38. Louise H  311. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  584. Kym  
39. crafty  312. Erin F  585. Lucy Patrick  
40. Lucy Patrick  313. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  586. Liselot  
41. caroline woodhall  314. Ruby 2nd  587. Mian Hahne  
42. Lucy Patrick  315. Gail Scott  588. Gail Scott  
43. Christine Harrop  316. JANIEL  589. Brenda B  
44. Lucy Patrick  317. hellerlittle  590. Gail Scott  
45. Lucy Patrick  318. KT Fit Kitty  591. Lisa s  
46. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  319. Guild Master Crystal  592. Di  
47. Gail Scott  320. Gail Scott  593. fabiola  
48. Kazabing  321. Renate  594. NanaConnie  
49. Gail Scott  322. meg  595. Rachel Taylor  
50. Carol  323. Jessi  596. Gail Scott  
51. Gail Scott  324. Sandra H 2nd  597. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
52. Stempelbavaria  325. AJ  598. Ardilla  
53. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  326. Craftyanny  599. AJ  
54. Mian Hahne  327. AJ  600. Elizabeth W  
55. Kathy Jo  328. AJ  601. Gail Scott  
56. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  329. Lynne in NI  602. Deborah A.  
57. Lis-M  330. KT Fit Kitty  603. Vicky (7 y. o.)  
58. Pam Hicks  331. Jackie Scott  604. Suze #44  
59. Karasiowa  332. Debbie J  605. KT Fit Kitty  
60. crafty  333. Lisbeth  606. Donna McMillan  
61. Dee's Cards  334. Helen  607. Gail L  
62. Gail Scott  335. Helen  608. Ardilla  
63. Ulla  336. Rachel Taylor  609. Rachel Taylor  
64. Liselot  337. Lucy Patrick  610. Lisbeth  
65. Guild Master Crystal  338. Gail Scott  611. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
66. Denise (2)  339. Lucy Patrick  612. Emma D  
67. Suze #2  340. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  613. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
68. Judith W  341. Lucy Patrick  614. Gail Scott  
69. julie  342. Carol  615. Christina  
70. Kate P.  343. Lucy Patrick  616. crafty  
71. Suze #3  344. Lucy Patrick  617. Linda Simpson  
72. Suze #4  345. Pamela  618. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
73. Ginny B  346. Heather Mills  619. Cinzia C.  
74. Suze #5  347. crafty  620. Theresa P  
75. Suze #6  348. fabiola  621. Dee's Cards  
76. Suze #7  349. Gail Scott  622. ionabunny  
77. Elizabeth H.  350. Kathy Jo  623. Irène  
78. Billie A  351. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  624. Lucy Patrick  
79. Rose # 2  352. Gail Scott  625. Crafting Vicky  
80. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  353. Heather Mills  626. Crafting Vicky  
81. meg  354. AJ  627. Ardilla  
82. meg 2  355. Gail Scott  628. Ardilla  
83. Rocky  356. Mrs A.  629. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
84. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  357. Ginny B  630. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
85. Gail Scott  358. Cornelia (fun stamping)  631. Linda - Pysselbus  
86. Kym  359. Guild Master Crystal  632. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  
87. caroline woodhall  360. Marjan  633. Renate  
88. caroline woodhall  361. Lisa Lynn  634. Lisa Lynn  
89. caroline woodhall  362. Kym  635. Lisa Lynn  
90. Gail Scott  363. Jo #3  636. Lisa Lynn  
91. KT Fit Kitty  364. Lisa Lynn  637. fabiola  
92. Gail Scott  365. Helen  638. Kym  
93. caroline woodhall  366. Erin S.  639. Kym  
94. Karen Hasheck  367. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  640. Lisa Lynn  
95. Gail Scott  368. Misseke  641. Lisa Lynn  
96. Scrappellen  369. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  642. Lisa Lynn  
97. Sandra H 2nd  370. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  643. KT Fit Kitty  
98. Sanja Grdinić  371. Beth F  644. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
99. Lizzies  372. Ruby 3rd  645. Crafting Vicky  
100. Lizzies  373. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  646. Lisa Lynn  
101. Kym  374. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  647. Lisa Lynn  
102. Gail Scott  375. KT Fit Kitty  648. Karen P  
103. Suze #8  376. Jessi  649. Gail Scott  
104. Billie A  377. 2amscrapper  650. Gail Scott  
105. Ginny B  378. Gail Scott  651. Vicki R.  
106. Sandra Schabel  379. Gail Scott  652. Harry woodhall 3 1/2  
107. Rocky  380. Jutta -Craftygal  653. rachel fisher  
108. Di  381. Gail Scott  654. rachel fisher  
109. Helen  382. Jutta - Craftygal  655. Dawn Lancaster  
110. Carol  383. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  656. Cinzia C.  
111. Misseke  384. Borqna  657. Dee's Cards  
112. ~DEANNE~  385. Pam Ramesh  658. Rose # 10  
113. Lisbeth  386. AJ  659. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
114. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  387. Debbie  660. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
115. Helen  388. crafty  661. Kym  
116. Gail Scott  389. Elena F.  662. Kym  
117. Lucy Patrick  390. Dee's Cards  663. Lucy Patrick  
118. Gail Scott  391. AJ  664. Bine  
119. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  392. Suze #24  665. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
120. kReN @ afourthlife  393. Loll  666. Beth F  
121. Ulla  394. Suze #25  667. Theresa P  
122. Suze #9  395. Suze #26  668. Elaine  
123. Gail Scott  396. Suze #27  669. Christina  
124. kReN @ afourthlife  397. Kristin  670. elllapu  
125. kReN @ afourthlife  398. Gail Scott  671. Ardilla  
126. Beccy  399. Gail Scott  672. Judy McKay  
127. BethieJ  400. Sonia Kertznus  673. Ardilla  
128. Dee's Cards  401. Ruthie Lopez  674. Lady  
129. pinky  402. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  675. KT Fit Kitty  
130. Gail Scott  403. Guild Master Crystal  676. Lyn T  
131. Billie A  404. Laura  677. Andree  
132. Billie A  405. Mandy Ashley  678. Chris S  
133. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  406. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  679. Lucy Patrick  
134. Rose # 3  407. Mian Hahne  680. Guild Master Crystal  
135. Billie A  408. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  681. Christine - Cndn Stamper  
136. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  409. Kerry Louise  682. Christine - Cndn Stamper  
137. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  410. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  683. Christine - Cndn Stamper  
138. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  411. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  684. christine - Cndn Stamper  
139. Misseke  412. fabiola  685. Liselot  
140. Suze #10  413. Ajascha  686. Gail Scott  
141. Suze #11  414. Jo #4  687. KT Fit Kitty  
142. Lucy Patrick  415. Gail Scott  688. Keti's Projects #1  
143. KT Fit Kitty  416. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  689. Keti's Projects #2  
144. Lucy Patrick  417. Dee's Cards  690. Keti's Projects #3  
145. Lucy Patrick  418. Tammy A  691. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
146. fabiola  419. Jessi  692. Karasiowa  
147. fabiola  420. AJ  693. Bonnie Garby  
148. Gail Scott  421. CREATE WITH JOY - Be Merry  694. caroline woodhall  
149. Kitt  422. CREATE WITH JOY - Christmas Tree Card  695. Leona  
150. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  423. Ginny B  696. KT Fit Kitty  
151. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  424. Billie A  697. Debbie Johns  
152. Dee's Cards  425. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  698. Lynne in NI  
153. Vic  426. Suze #28  699. Bettyirene  
154. JoAnn B.  427. Suze #29  700. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
155. Mrs A.  428. Gail Scott  701. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
156. Renate  429. Gail Scott  702. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
157. Gail Scott  430. Kym  703. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
158. Dee's Cards  431. Jo #5  704. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
159. Lucy Patrick  432. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  705. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
160. Kym  433. caroline woodhall  706. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
161. Kym  434. caroline woodhall  707. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
162. Billie A  435. Pictures of Dog Doo-Doo  708. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
163. Rose # 4  436. vic  709. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
164. Ardilla  437. Suze #30  710. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
165. Ardilla  438. Dee's Cards  711. Vinita  
166. Borqna  439. Bonnie  712. Vinita  
167. Chrissyxx  440. Bonnie  713. Vinita  
168. Anet  441. Cornelia (fun stamping)  714. Ardilla  
169. Suze #12  442. Guild Master Crystal  715. Ardilla  
170. Mian Hahne  443. Ulla  716. christine - Cndn Stamper  
171. Gail Scott  444. Ulla  717. KarinNettchen  
172. Jocelyn K  445. Ulla  718. KarinNettchen  
173. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  446. Ulla  719. KarinNettchen  
174. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  447. Ulla  720. Ardilla  
175. Sara S.  448. Ulla  721. Ardilla  
176. Gail Scott  449. Phi  722. Gail Scott  
177. Gail Scott  450. Ginny B  723. Gail Scott  
178. Gail Scott  451. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  724. Gail Scott  
179. lilian  452. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  725. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
180. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  453. Suze #31  726. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
181. fabiola  454. Suze #32  727. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
182. kReN (afourthlife)  455. Carol - Happy Expressions  728. Carole Robb Bisson  
183. Gail Scott  456. Carol - Happy Expressions  729. Gloria Shirr  
184. Gail Scott  457. Jackie C  730. Judith W  
185. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  458. Ardilla  731. Judith W  
186. Ardilla  459. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  732. Judith W  
187. Dee  460. Ardilla  733. Judith W  
188. Dee  461. Sarah-J W  734. Judith W  
189. kReN (afourthlife)  462. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  735. Judith W  
190. Dee  463. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  736. Judith W  
191. kReN (afourthlife)  464. Sandra H 3rd  737. Judith W  
192. Gail Scott  465. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  738. Judith W  
193. Gail Scott  466. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  739. Judith W  
194. Gloria Shirr  467. Carol  740. Judith W  
195. Gail Scott  468. Karasiowa  741. Emily Shroom  
196. Ulla  469. Bunny  742. Margreet  
197. Ulla  470. KT Fit Kitty  743. Fiona  
198. Ulla  471. Brenda B  744. Carol  
199. AJ  472. Cornelia (fun stamping)  745. KT Fit Kitty  
200. Mirella DK  473. Jessi  746. KT Fit Kitty  
201. Mirella DK 2  474. Gail Scott  747. Ruby 5th  
202. AJ  475. SOMA  748. Debbie  
203. AJ  476. Dee's Cards  749. Angela Bonanno  
204. Ginny B  477. Jessi  750. Gail Scott  
205. NancyH  478. Renate  751. Christine - Cndn Stamper  
206. Jo  479. Suze #33  752. Emma Burns  
207. Guild Master Crystal  480. Suze #34  753. KT Fit Kitty  
208. KT Fit Kitty  481. Gibmiss  754. Gail Scott  
209. Guild Master Crystal  482. Debbie  755. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
210. Rose # 5  483. Kitt  756. Elizabeth W  
211. Billie A  484. Ginny B  757. Bettina  
212. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  485. Debbie  758. KT Fit Kitty  
213. Suze #13  486. Lucy Patrick  759. Ulla  
214. Suze #14  487. Lucy Patrick  760. Ulla  
215. Suze #15  488. Marjan  761. Ulla  
216. Suze #16  489. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  762. Jocelyn K  
217. Marjan  490. Suze #35  763. Emma Burns  
218. Suze #17  491. Lucy Patrick  764. Emma Burns  
219. Suze #18  492. Suze #36  765. KT Fit Kitty  
220. Lorraine C  493. Elena F.  766. Tip Top  
221. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  494. Louise H  767. Judith W  
222. Nelleke  495. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  768. Dawn Lancaster  
223. Gail Scott  496. Louise H  769. Karasiowa  
224. Helen  497. Gail Scott  770. Ulla  
225. Helen  498. Lisa Lynn  771. Suze #45  
226. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  499. Lisa Lynn  772. Suze #46  
227. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  500. Mian Hahne  773. Suze #47  
228. Jessi  501. KT Fit Kitty  774. Suze #48  
229. kReN (afourthlife)  502. Jacky - Paddington Fan  775. Suze #49  
230. Gail Scott  503. Suze #37  776. Suze #50  
231. Billie A  504. Jacky - Paddington Fan  777. Suze #51  
232. meg  505. BethieJ  778. Suze #52  
233. meg  506. Jacky - Paddington Fan  779. Suze #53  
234. Jessi  507. Kitt  780. Suze #54  
235. Mrs A.  508. Suze #38  781. Suze #55  
236. Gail Scott  509. Suze #39  782. Suze #56  
237. Gail Scott  510. Gail Scott  783. Suze #57  
238. Suze #19  511. Ginny B  784. Suze #58  
239. Suze #20  512. Gail Scott  785. Suze #59  
240. Dee's Cards  513. Guild Master Crystal  786. Suze #60  
241. Ulla  514. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  787. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
242. Ginny B  515. rachel fisher  788. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
243. Brenda B  516. Jo #6  789. Vic  
244. Yogi  517. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  790. Shirley  
245. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  518. Lucy Patrick  791. Shirley  
246. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  519. Lucy Patrick  792. Gail Scott  
247. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  520. meg  793. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
248. Susan Renshaw  521. caroline woodhall  794. KT Fit Kitty  
249. Ardilla  522. caroline woodhall  795. My Creative Therapy (Kathi)  
250. Jo #2  523. vic  796. My Creative Therapy (Kathi)  
251. Maureen Scott  524. Gail Scott  797. Suze #61  
252. Helen  525. Lorraine B  798. Suze #62  
253. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  526. caroline woodhall  799. KT Fit Kitty  
254. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  527. Gail Scott  800. Suze #63  
255. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  528. kReN(afourthlife)  801. 💀 Jacki 💀  
256. Joyce  529. kReN(afourthlife)  802. Jackie Scott  
257. Gail Scott  530. Ginny B  803. Sharron / SharraHUG  
258. meg  531. Rose # 7  804. Borqna  
259. KT Fit Kitty  532. Rose # 8  805. KT Fit Kitty  
260. Guild Master Crystal  533. Michelle H  806. Lorraine A  
261. José  534. Michelle H  807. Carol  
262. Jessi  535. carol gill  808. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
263. Lynne in NI  536. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  809. Jackie C  
264. Gail Scott  537. Denise vR  810. Cornelia (fun stamping)  
265. Dee's Cards  538. Denise vR  811. Suze #64  
266. Erin S.  539. Lucy Patrick  812. Suze #65  
267. Suze #21  540. Lucy Patrick  813. Lynne in NI  
268. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  541. fiona henderson  814. Marie Bingaman  
269. Ginny B  542. Gail Scott  815. Pauline  
270. Rose # 6  543. Elena F.  816. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
271. hellerlittle  544. Gail Scott  817. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
272. hellerlittle  545. Gail Scott  818. Ulla  
273. hellerlittle  546. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  819. Ulla  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Design Team Call

Design Team Call

I hope to continue inviting a guest designer every month, but would also like to have two or three folk to join me on a regular basis. I'm looking for crafters who share my passion for making Christmas cards throughout the whole year.

If you would like to be considered to join the team, please leave your name in linky with a link to your blog.

The initial term would be for six months from January 2014, with a view to continuing after that if mutually agreed.

As this challenge blog is always sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps, digital images of choice would be provided so that at least one card each month would be made using a Bugaboo image for the first of the month, adding another card later in the month if desired - using any images.

Those who join me would be expected to comment on allocated numbers of entries throughout the month.

This call will remain open until Saturday 30 November. The new team members will be notified on or before Saturday 7 December in order to give time to submit a card for 1 January 2014.

Please only apply if you are committed to making Christmas cards throughout the year.

If you have any queries, please email me: hazelharris@ntlworld.com

This will remain at the top of the blog until the close of the call on Saturday 30 November. Please scroll down or click here for the November challenge.

Design Team Call

1. ~DEANNE~  24. Lizzies  47. Kim M.  
2. Rose  25. Suze  48. Vic  
3. Fiona  26. Margaret M  49. Gibmiss  
4. rachel  27. leny w  50. Rebecca Billard  
5. Marie Bingaman  28. Jacqui Robinson  51. Shell B  
6. Gail Scott  29. Heather Mills  52. Kristin  
7. Helen  30. Monica  53. Yama  
8. caroline woodhall  31. Chrissyxx  54. Shirley AC2  
9. Holly G  32. Renate  55. Louise H  
10. Karasiowa  33. MichelleJM  56. AJ  
11. JoAnn B.  34. Bettyirene  57. Emma Burns  
12. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  35. Sara Stacey  58. Susan Renshaw  
13. Rachel Taylor  36. Renate  59. rachel fisher  
14. Julie B  37. Joke  60. Vic  
15. Amy A  38. Ulla  61. Heather G  
16. Jenny/Dolphine  39. Anne-Marie  62. Dragonllew  
17. Rocky  40. Rachel Webber  63. Judith W  
18. Janny  41. Kathy Jo  64. leny w 2  
19. PennyRae  42. Jessi  65. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
20. Lisa :)  43. Christine Harrop  66. Dorothy S  
21. Alli D  44. Mary Mac  67. Dorothy S  
22. irene  45. Cornelia (fun stamping)  68. Dorothy S  
23. Cass  46. Lia B.  69. Sarah-J W  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Winner of CHNC challenge extra for November

I just couldn't believe the way the entries kept coming in throughout the month and we ended up with a staggering 805 altogether. I think I managed to comment on every entry - I hope I didn't leave anyone out - and thanks to Mrs A, my guest for November, for commenting on so many entries. It's clear now that I need a design team to help me. Later this evening the Design Team Call is closing and then I have the difficult job of choosing who to appoint - I never dreamed that there would be so many applying.

Unfortunately, there can only be one winner of the November challenge of the $21 of digital stamps from my generous sponsor, Bugaboo Stamps. Using random the winner is:

Number 378: Rose, with this lovely card:

Congratulations, Rose. Please email me at hazelharris@ntlworld.com so that I can arrange for you to claim your prize.

December's challenge is here

I look forward to seeing your entries

And, once again, there will be a prize of $21 of digital stamps from Bugaboo Stamps
for the randomly chosen winner

Friday, 1 November 2013

CHNC challenge extra for November

Please click here to see the winner of CHNC challenge extra for October.

This challenge will last for the whole month of November - anything goes as long as it's Christmas - it doesn't have to be a card, you can link any project as long as it's Christmas!

There are just more and more lovely crafters adding their Christmas cards - throughout the month I could hardly believe how many entries were regularly being submitted - thank you, everyone, for making this challenge blog such a success and a lovely place to share festive crafting. 

All of these monthly challenges are being generously sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps - a winner will be randomly chosen using random.

Bugaboo Stamps are proud to sponsor this challenge - they are offering $21 of digital stamps to the randomly selected winner.

Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Bugaboo Stamps: A Short Essay
As if raising five children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the world of papercrafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. That was two years ago. Today Bugaboo Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images, and we're still growing!  From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week! 
 If your taste runs to rubber (and you know who you are), you can find Bugaboo Stamps   at Totally Stampalicious. And finally, join the Bugaboo Stamps DT   for weekly challenges at Catch the Bug

Every month I am joined by a Guest Designer and for October I am pleased to welcome Mrs A (Valeryanne Williams)

Mrs A writes:

'Everyone knows me in Blogland as Mrs A. I'm so pleased that Hazel has asked me to be her Guest Designer this month as I love using Bugaboo stamps whenever I can.

I have crafted in one form or another for as long as I can remember but have only turned my hand to card making in the last 18 months. My 3 grandchildren keep me busy as I am always getting requests for making things which I am always pleased to do for them.'

For her lovely easel card, Mrs A has used 'fancy bonnet Christmas stuff'' kindly supplied by Bugaboo Stamps:

And for her second card, Mrs A has used Bugaboo Stamps  'make it snappy - reindeer trio'. You can read more about these lovely cards on Mrs A's blog here.

Thank you,  Mrs A, for being my guest for this month. Please go over to Mrs A's blog and leave her some comments.

For my first card I've used 'reindeer leap', another image kindly supplied by Bugaboo Stamps - you can read more about it here on My Crafty Outlook:

This is for CHNC challenge 149 (closed now) - you can read about it here on My Crafty Outlook:

This is for CHNC challenge 150: outdoors - just one of the three quick clean and simple cards that I made with 'The Snowman' supplies  - you can read about them here on My Crafty Outlook- challenge is closed now. 

These are my cards for CHNC challenge 151: indoors - the challenge is closed now:

My guest, Mrs A, is adding two more cards:

For this gorgeous easel card, Mrs A has used 'Merry Christmas to ewe', kindly supplied by Bugaboo Stamps. You can read more about this here on Mrs A's blog.

For this joy fold card, Mrs A has used 'nutcracker4' from Bugaboo Stamps - and she loved it so much that she purchased the rest of the set of 7 soldiers - and has used them beautifully on this card. You can read more here on Mrs A's blog.

This is my card for CHNC challenge 152: for a child - you can enter up until 22:00 UK time Friday 29 November - more about the card here:

And a card I've made for The Glory of Christmas 21: turquoise and brown - if you make any suitable cards, we'd love to see them there - you can read more about it here:

You may add any Christmas card to this challenge
it's 'anything goes' every month

There really aren't any rules as such - just have a look at what I've written on the right hand sidebar and join in! You may link as many entries as you like as long as they weren't blogged before 1 November 2013.

Weekly challenges will continue on my CHNC challenge blog - these usually have a theme - but any card that you enter there can be entered here as well, so you increase your chance of winning a prize. 

And, of course, you can chat about this monthly challenge extra blog on the CHNC facebook page as well - if you haven't joined that yet, please follow the link and 'like' the page.

It's now time to get serious with making your Christmas cards, so I expect to see lots of entries this month.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with for this challenge - please add a link to your blog post (not your blog, but the actual post where your card can be found) by 20:00 UK time Saturday 30 November.  Please mention my blog and create a link within the post for your creation. The winner will be announced at 23:00 UK  time on 30 November.  December's challenge will begin at midnight on 1 December.

Please add your link to inlinkz. If by any chance it disappears, please leave a comment with the link to your blog post and I will make sure it is added. 

If you haven't done so already, please become a follower and grab my bright pink button to post on your sidebar and help continue to spread the word about this challenge blog - thank you.

Thank you for your support
I look forward to seeing your entries

Design Team Call

If you would be interested in joining me on the team for at least the first six months of  2014, please click here for details of the Design Team Call. 

Anything goes as long as it's Christmas

1. Rose  270. Maureen G  539. Misseke  
2. Ria  271. Gail Scott  540. Ulla  
3. Suze #1  272. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  541. Vicki  
4. Suze #2  273. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  542. Ardilla  
5. Scrappellen  274. Vicki  543. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
6. Rachel taylor  275. Kym  544.   
7. Pauline  276. Nancie Quah  545. Dee's cards  
8. Mian Hahne  277. Nancie Quah  546. Gail Scott  
9. Sandra H  278. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  547. AJ  
10. Mian Hahne  279. Ginny B  548. L.J. Creations  
11. Brenda B  280. Cornelia (fun stamping)  549. Suze #25  
12. meg  281. Cornelia (fun stamping)  550. Sue J  
13.   282. Cornelia (fun stamping)  551. Sue J  
14. fabiola  283. Cornelia (fun stamping)  552. Sue J  
15. Ira  284. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  553. Sharon Gurnhill  
16. Dagmar  285. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  554. Sharon Gurnhill  
17. Fiona  286. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  555. Darlene Pavlick  
18. Elizabeth W  287. JennyH  556. Gail Scott  
19. Denise Goeldner  288. Louise H  557. charlene  
20. Gail Scott  289. Lucy Patrick  558. Donna BMC  
21. Rose # 2  290. Theresa P  559. scrappymo  
22. Rose # 3  291. Alli D  560. Spyder  
23. rachel Taylor  292. Suze #10  561. Dena Cline  
24. Sarah-J W  293. Helen  562. Ruthie Lopez  
25. Suze #3  294. crafty  563. Kim M.  
26. Gail Scott  295. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  564. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
27. rainmac  296. Gail L.  565. Aprilia  
28. Pauline  297. Loll Thompson  566. Holly H  
29. Helen  298. hellerlittle  567. Holly H  
30. Billie A  299. Guild Master Crystal  568. Holly H  
31. Billie A  300. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  569. Holly H  
32. Tammy A  301. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  570. Vicki  
33. Gail Scott  302. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  571. Cornelia (fun stamping)  
34. KT Fit Kitty  303. Kym  572. Ina  
35. Fiona  304. Suze #11  573. Mian Hahne  
36. KT Fit Kitty  305. Gail Scott  574. karin  
37. Louise  306. Ardilla  575. adziamar  
38. KT Fit Kitty  307. Guild Master Crystal  576. Vic  
39. rachel fisher  308. rachel taylor  577. Di  
40. rachel fisher  309. Marjan  578. Iva  
41. KT Fit Kitty  310. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  579. Lucy Patrick  
42. Christa  311. JoAnn B.  580. pinky  
43. Mian Hahne  312. JennyH  581. Karasiowa  
44. Jacky - Paddington Fan  313. Ulla  582. Karasiowa  
45. Brenda B x2  314. Ulla  583. Lucy Patrick  
46. Kym  315. linda dekker  584. Scrappellen  
47. scrappymo  316. Ulla  585. Mian Hahne  
48. Christine Harrop  317. Tonje  586. ~DEANNE~  
49. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  318. Vicki  587. Amy A. (all things beautiful)  
50. Carol  319. Tonje  588. Helen  
51. Sammy  320. Yogi  589. Ruth  
52. rainmac  321. Spyder  590. fabiola  
53. Jacky - Paddington Fan  322. Suze #12  591. Kim M.  
54. crafty  323. KT Fit Kitty  592. Kim M.  
55. Asha  324. Gail Scott  593. Dena Cline  
56. Sue J  325. Ginny B  594. Suze #26  
57. Theresa P  326. Danielle Vincent  595. Lynsey  
58. Brenda B  327. JennyH  596. Dee  
59. Gail Scott  328. Billie A  597. Ulla  
60. KT Fit Kitty  329. Fiona  598. Rose  
61. KT Fit Kitty  330. Kimberly Wiener  599. Gail Scott  
62. KT Fit Kitty  331. rachel fisher  600. Jessi  
63. KT Fit Kitty  332. Cass  601. Lizzies  
64. KT Fit Kitty  333. Pauline  602. Gibmiss  
65. Debbie Fisher  334. Gail Scott  603. Lizzies  
66. Guild Master Crystal  335. Gail Scott  604. Lisa D.  
67. Dee's cards  336. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  605. Ginny B  
68. ionabunny  337. Gail Scott  606. Suze #27  
69. Marie Bingaman  338. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  607. Cornelia (fun stamping)  
70. Marie Bingaman  339. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  608. Vicki  
71. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  340. Debbie J  609. Jo  
72. Sharon  341. José  610. Ulla  
73. Glennis F  342. Lucy Patrick  611. Lisa Lynn  
74. scrappymo  343. Lucy Patrick  612. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
75. Fiona  344. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  613. Gail Scott  
76. Pauline  345. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  614. Gail Scott  
77. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  346. Dena Cline  615. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
78. Anet  347. Valerie W.  616. Gail Scott  
79. meg  348. KT Fit Kitty  617. Gail Scott  
80. Anet  349. Gail Scott  618. Eret  
81. Louise H  350. Lisbeth  619. Sonia Kertznus  
82. crafty  351. Jackie C  620. Amy S  
83. Theresa P  352. Lynne in NI  621. Billie A  
84. Bren  353. Dawn  622. Ardilla  
85. Karen Can.  354. fabiola  623. Dena Cline  
86. Rachel Taylor  355. Gail Scott  624. Dee's Cards  
87. Brenda B x 3  356. AJ  625. Rose  
88. Joyce  357. Maudieroff  626. Guild Master Crystal  
89. Bettyirene  358. Denise Goeldner  627. Scrappellen  
90. Julie B  359. Kylie  628. KT Fit Kitty  
91. caroline woodhall  360. Suze #13  629. Bettina  
92. Janet Swanlady21  361. Rose  630. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
93. Gail Scott  362. Dena Cline  631. Shaz in Oz.x  
94. Nelleke  363. Debbie J  632. Di  
95. Loll Thompson  364. Mary H.  633. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
96. Loll Thompson  365. Kathy Cline  634. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
97. Loll Thompson  366. Kathy Cline  635. Eve  
98. fabiola  367. Beccy  636. Sandra H 3rd  
99. AJ  368. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  637. KT Fit Kitty  
100. Eva`s Scraproom  369. Marianne MW  638. Jessi  
101. Amy A  370. Suze #14  639. Helen  
102. Carol  371. Suze #15  640. Gail Scott  
103. KT Fit Kitty  372. JennyH  641. crafty  
104. Ginny B (1)  373. Misseke  642. BethieJ  
105. Shauna  374. Di  643. Ardilla  
106. Julie Gleeson  375. leny w 2  644. Mian Hahne  
107. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  376. Ruby 2nd  645. Shell B  
108. Guild Master Crystal  377. JennyH  646. Rebecca Billard  
109. caroline woodhall  378. Rose  647. Linda Palmer  
110. Rachel Taylor  379. Jenee Todd  648. Renate  
111. Kaija  380. Dawn Lancaster  649. irene  
112. Sandra Schabel  381. Jackie C  650. Lisa W  
113. Rocky  382. Mirella DK  651. Kathy Jo  
114. meg  383. Jackie C  652. Gail Scott  
115. Carol  384. Helen  653. Dena Cline  
116. Gail Scott  385. Helen  654. Hettie  
117. caroline woodhall  386. Helen  655. KT Fit Kitty  
118. PennyRae  387. Dena Cline  656. Ginny B  
119. Gail Scott  388. Susan H  657. scrappymo  
120. Christy Sugiarto  389. Suze #16  658. Ardilla  
121. Lynne in NI  390. KT Fit Kitty  659. Shirley AC2  
122. pinky  391. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  660. Liselot  
123. Dena Cline  392. sharla~  661. Fiona  
124. ionabunny  393. Ginny B  662. Louise H  
125. KT Fit Kitty  394. Gail Scott  663. Crafting Vicky  
126. Valerie W.  395. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  664. Lisa Lynn  
127. Gail Scott  396. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  665. Gail Scott  
128. PennyRae  397. vic  666. Helen  
129. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  398. Ulla  667. Jenny/Dolphine  
130. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  399. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  668. Mian Hahne  
131. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  400. Brenda B  669. hellerlittle  
132. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  401. Maureen G  670. Ulla  
133. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  402. meg  671. Loll Thompson  
134. Gail L  403. fabiola  672. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
135. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  404. Jenee Todd  673. Suze #28  
136. Kylie  405. ~DEANNE~  674. TaylorMade4U  
137. Kylie  406. Gail Scott  675. KT Fit Kitty  
138. Kylie  407. Jacky - Paddington Fan  676. Dee's Cards  
139. Jackie C  408. ~DEANNE~  677. Dee's Cards  
140. crafty  409. rachel fisher  678. Beebeebabs  
141. Karasiowa  410. Dena Cline  679. Gail Scott  
142. Carol  411. Rachel Taylor  680. Dena Cline  
143. Lisa :)  412. Renate  681. Ginny B  
144. Jane Willis  413. Dee's cards  682. Gail Scott  
145. Elizabeth W  414. Gail Scott  683. Guild Master Crystal  
146. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  415. irene 3  684. Suze #29  
147. Karasiowa  416. AJ  685. Marjan  
148. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  417. AJ  686. hellerlittle  
149. Gail Scott  418. miria  687. Di  
150. Alli D  419. Ginny B  688. Denyse  
151. Gail Scott  420. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  689. Sandra H  
152. Gail Scott  421. Gail Scott  690. meg  
153. Holly G  422. Suze #17  691. crafty  
154. Ardilla  423. Rachel Taylor  692. Helen  
155. Dena Cline  424. Louise H  693. fabiola  
156. Dena Cline  425. Eret  694. vic  
157. Irinka  426. Ardilla  695. Gail Scott  
158. Beccy  427. Theresa P  696. KT Fit Kitty  
159. KT Fit Kitty  428. Carla Prediger  697. Susan Renshaw  
160. Sandra H 2nd  429. Billie A  698. Dee's Cards  
161. Amy A  430. Helen  699. Gibmiss  
162. irene 1  431. Helen  700. Lynne in NI  
163. irene 2  432. Louise H  701. JoAnn V.  
164. Bine  433. Gail Scott  702. Loll Thompson  
165. Suze #4  434. Louise H  703. Gail Scott  
166. AJ  435. Gail Scott  704. Suze #30  
167. Suze #5  436. Rose  705. Kathy Jo  
168. Suze #6  437. Ardilla  706. Ginny B  
169. rachel fisher  438. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  707. Rocio De Alba  
170. Di  439. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  708. Indy  
171. KT Fit Kitty  440. Holly G  709. Beatrice  
172. KT Fit Kity  441. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  710. Ela17  
173. Misseke  442. Jackie C  711. linda dekker  
174. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  443. Kathy Jo  712. Jessi  
175. Gail Scott  444. Brenda B  713. Dragonllew  
176. Brenda B  445. Carol  714. Susan Renshaw  
177. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  446. Skräpi  715. Judith W  
178. Gail Scott  447. Jane Willis  716. Judith W  
179. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  448. KT Fit Kitty  717. Helen  
180. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  449. Gail Scott  718. crafty  
181. Gail Scott  450. Shell B  719. Brenda B  
182. Gail Scott  451. Carol  720. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
183. leny w  452. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  721. ~DEANNE~  
184. Mary H.  453. Gail Scott  722. fabiola  
185. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  454. Gail Scott  723. Gail Scott  
186. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  455. Renate  724. Elizabeth W  
187. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  456. Suze #18  725. JennyH  
188. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  457. Maureen G  726. Emma Burns  
189. Lia B.  458. Suze #19  727. KateT  
190. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  459. Suze #20  728. Heather Mills  
191. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  460. Suze #21  729. Dee's Cards  
192. meg  461. Di  730. Kym  
193. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  462. Jessi  731. Suze #31  
194. Gail Scott  463. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  732. Suze #32  
195. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  464. Maudieroff  733. Suze #33  
196. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  465. Ardilla  734. Dena Cline  
197. rachel taylor  466. Rachel Taylor  735. Dena Cline  
198. fabiola  467. Vic  736. Beate  
199. Rocky  468. Loll Thompson  737. KT Fit Kitty  
200. Maudieroff  469. Helen  738. Sanja Grdinić  
201. Gail Scott  470. Dee's cards  739. Scrappellen  
202. Mary Mac  471. Brenda B  740. Ruthie Lopez  
203. KT Fit Kitty  472. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  741. Jessi  
204. Pamela  473. Cynthia  742. Crafting Vicky  
205. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  474. Rita Edwards  743. Misseke  
206. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  475. Dee's cards  744. Ruby 4th  
207. Suze #7  476. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  745. Dena Cline  
208. Suze #8  477. Norma Jean  746. Renate  
209. Monica @ TaylorMadeCards4U  478. Suze #22  747. Guild Master Crystal  
210. Ginny B  479. Billie A  748. TaylorMade4U  
211. Billie A  480. Ginny B  749. Suze #34  
212. charlene♥  481. Guild Master Crystal  750. Mian Hahne  
213. Cass  482. Anet  751. Lucy Patrick  
214. Gail L  483. Debbie J  752. Suze #35  
215. Dora  484. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  753. Jessi  
216. Suze #9  485. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  754. Suze #36  
217. Eret  486. Gail Scott  755. Suze #37  
218. Carol  487. Ruby 3rd  756. Suze #38  
219. meg  488. Helen  757. Helen  
220. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  489. Sammy  758. JennyH  
221. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  490. Maureen G  759. Lucy Patrick  
222. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  491. Lynne in NI  760. caroline woodhall  
223. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  492. AJ  761. Lucy Patrick  
224. Keti's Projects  493. Suze #23  762. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
225. Gail Scott  494. Gail Scott  763. leny w 2  
226. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  495. Ginny B  764. Mian Hahne  
227. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  496. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  765. Lucy Patrick  
228. Ardilla  497. Danielle Vincent  766. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
229. Gail L.  498. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  767. Ardilla  
230. Billie A  499. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  768. rachel fisher  
231. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  500. Cornelia (fun stamping)  769. Lucy Patrick  
232. Mirella DK  501. Darnell  770. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
233. Guild Master Crystal  502. Di  771. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
234. Di  503. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  772. Lucy Patrick  
235. Dee's Cards  504. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  773. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
236. Ulla  505. Pauline  774. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
237. Ulla  506. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  775. caroline woodhall  
238. Ulla  507. Rachel Taylor  776. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
239. Ginny B  508. Helen  777. ~DEANNE~  
240. Gail Scott  509. Lucy Patrick  778. ~DEANNE~  
241. Vicki  510. Lucy Patrick  779. Karasiowa  
242. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  511. Carol  780. Ulla  
243. Susanne  512. Ardilla  781. Ulla  
244. Susanne  513. Jessi  782. fabiola  
245. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  514. Brenda B  783. Scrappellen  
246. Susanne  515. Gail Scott  784. Renate  
247. Susanne  516. Gail Scott  785. Gail Scott  
248. Susanne  517. linda dekker  786. Gail Scott  
249. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  518. Helen  787. Gail Scott  
250. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  519. Dee's cards  788. Dee's Cards  
251. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  520. fabiola  789. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
252. Ardilla  521. Gail Scott  790. Gail Scott  
253. hellerlittle  522. Bettyirene  791. Dena Cline  
254. Amy A. (all things beautiful)  523. AJ  792. Dorothy S  
255. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  524. Gail Scott  793. Gail Scott  
256. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  525. Dena Cline  794. Rose  
257. Kaija 2  526. Lisa D.  795. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
258. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  527. Suze #24  796. JennyH  
259. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  528. DebiB  797. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
260. Brenda B  529. ionabunny  798. Gail Scott  
261. fabiola  530. Guild Master Crystal  799. Karen Can.  
262. Karasiowa  531. Carol  800. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  
263. Karasiowa  532. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  801. IKE  
264. Sieta  533. Ursula Uphof  802. Gail Scott  
265. meg  534. Melissa SunshineHoneyBee  803. Ruby 5th  
266. Ruby  535. Stempelbavaria  804. Liz  
267. Tammy A #2  536. Lia B.  805. Liz  
268. Shell B  537. Lia B.  
269. Maureen G  538. Jo  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Winner of CHNC challenge extra for October

What a bumper load of entries for October - we almost made 500! I can't thank you enough for all the support and blogging friendship that this challenge blog has generated - and it's all down to everyone of you lovely crafters who take the time to link you inspirational projects.

Thank you to everyone who entered the October challenge.

Unfortunately, there can only be one winner of the $21 of digital stamps from my generous sponsor, Bugaboo Stamps. Using random the winner is:

Number 369:  sweetpea, with this lovely cracker:

Congratulations, Janet. Please email me at hazelharris@ntlworld.com so that I can arrange for you to claim your prize.

November's challenge is here

I look forward to seeing your entries

And, once again, there will be a prize of $21 of digital stamps from Bugaboo Stamps
for the randomly chosen winner

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

CHNC challenge extra for October

Please click here to see the winner of CHNC challenge extra for September.

This challenge will last for the whole month of October - anything goes as long as it's Christmas.

What a bumper lot of entries there were for September - I'm looking forward to seeing all your festive loveliness this month - if you haven't yet started to make your Christmas cards, now is the time! I can hardly believe that it's October already and by the time this challenge is ended we'll be really getting towards Christmas.

All of these monthly challenges are being generously sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps - a winner will be randomly chosen using random.

Bugaboo Stamps are proud to sponsor this challenge - they are offering $21 of digital stamps to the randomly selected winner.

Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Bugaboo Stamps: A Short Essay
As if raising five children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the world of papercrafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. That was two years ago. Today Bugaboo Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images, and we're still growing!  From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week! 
 If your taste runs to rubber (and you know who you are), you can find Bugaboo Stamps   at Totally Stampalicious. And finally, join the Bugaboo Stamps DT   for weekly challenges at Catch the Bug

Every month I will be joined by a Guest Designer and for October I am pleased to welcome JoAnn.

JoAnn writes:

'Hi my name is JoAnn and I am so excited Hazel asked me to be her guest designer for October. I love making Christmas cards all year long. I have been doing crafts of some sort for most of my life, hence the title of my blog, "Crafty Nana's Blog". I started scrapbooking and cardmaking in 1998 and it is definitely addictive. I enjoy making cards for family and friends, and also send some to Operation Write Home for our troops overseas. We live in Central Florida about 60 miles from the west coast. My husband and I are both original Floridians and moved back here after he retired from the military. We are both retired now and I enjoy my crafts and spending time with the grandchildren.'

So this is JoAnn's first card using the 'Ava Christmas mistletoe fairy' image kindly supplied by Bugaboo Stamps - you can read more about it here on her blog:

And here is JoAnn's second card using 'Deacon Christmas elf presents' image:

Thank you, JoAnn, for being my guest for this month. Please go over to JoAnn's blog and leave her some comments.

My first card features the Noel image and snowflake digital paper kindly supplied by Bugaboo Stamps - you can read more about it here on My Crafty Outlook:

And this is my card for CHNC challenge 145 where there is a picture inspiration - closed now.

This is my card for CHNC challenge 146 - closed now.

This is my card for CHNC challenge 147 which is now closed:

This is my card for CHNC challenge 148: music - please click on the link and enter your cards - open until 22:00 UK time Friday 1 November:

And this is a card that I've made for The Glory of Christmas 19: homemade background - please clikc on the link and join in the challenge if you can - details here on My Crafty Outlook:

You may add any Christmas card to this challenge
it's 'anything goes' every month

There really aren't any rules as such - just have a look at what I've written on the right hand sidebar and join in! You may link as many entries as you like as long as they weren't blogged before 1 October 2013.

Weekly challenges will continue on my CHNC challenge blog - these usually have a theme - but any card that you enter there can be entered here as well, so you increase your chance of winning a prize. 

And, of course, you can chat about this monthly challenge extra blog on the CHNC facebook page as well - if you haven't joined that yet, please follow the link and 'like' the page.

It' incredible to think that we are now into October - if you haven't started to make your Christmas cards yet, now is the time!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with for this challenge - please add a link to your blog post (not your blog, but the actual post where your card can be found) by 20:00 UK time Thursday 31 October.  Please mention my blog and create a link within the post for your creation. The winner will be announced at 23:00 UK  time on 31 October.  November's challenge will begin at midnight on 1 November.

Please add your link to inlinkz. If by any chance it disappears, please leave a comment with the link to your blog post and I will make sure it is added. 

If you haven't done so already, please become a follower and grab my bright pink button to post on your sidebar and help continue to spread the word about this challenge blog - thank you.

Thank you for your support
I look forward to seeing your entries

Anything goes as long as it's Christmas

1. Suze #1  167. Crea S #2  333. Marie Bingaman  
2. Zora  168. Denise Goeldner (2)  334. Marie Bingaman  
3. Eemeli  169. meg  335. JennyH  
4. Anet  170. meg  336. Margaret Mm  
5. Suze #2  171. Stacysaurus (2)  337. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
6. fabiola  172. Stacysaurus  338. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
7. Brenda B  173. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  339. Suze #13  
8. crafty  174. fabiola  340. Rocky  
9. fabiola  175. Jane Willis  341. fabiola  
10. Helen  176. fabiola  342. Kym  
11. karasiowa  177. crafty  343. Helen  
12. Gail Scott  178. Mrs A.  344. Zora  
13. rachel fisher  179. Fiona  345. Bren  
14. Gail Scott  180. Ginny B (3)  346. Lynne in NI  
15. AJ  181. Cornelia (fun stamping)  347. KT Fit Kitty  
16. AJ  182. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  348. Gail Scott  
17. AJ  183. hellerlittle  349. Marie Bingaman  
18. Sandy  184. Bren  350. Teresa  
19. Sandy  185. JoAnn B. #2  351. Crafty Chris  
20. Kathy Jo  186. Joyce  352. Gail L  
21. Cyndie  187. JoAnn B. #3  353. Ulla  
22. Holly G  188. Deloris  354. meg  
23. Ulla  189. Dorothy S  355. JennyH  
24. Granmargaret  190. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  356. Gail Scott  
25. karasiowa  191. Ulla  357. Carol  
26. linda dekker  192. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  358. Ria  
27. Nicole N. (Nicole's Craft Nook)  193. Lisbeth  359. Theresa P  
28. fabiola  194. Lisbeth  360. Gail Scott  
29. Stoeffchen  195. meg  361. Gail Scott  
30. Christina  196. Christina  362. AJ  
31. Grandma Bonnie  197. Vicki  363. AJ  
32. Nelleke  198. Ginny B (4)  364. fabiola  
33. ionabunny  199. Marie Bingaman  365. Sammy  
34. Di  200. Vicki  366. Marianne  
35. Dana  201. Fiona  367. Marianne  
36. KT Fit Kitty  202. Denise Goeldner (3)  368. kanda  
37. Ginny B (1)  203. Gail Scott  369. sweetpea  
38. Mia Scott  204. Rachel Taylor  370. Suze #14  
39. Misseke  205. Daisy  371. Suze #15  
40. Helen  206. fabiola  372. Suze #16  
41. Renate  207. Suze #7  373. Suze #17  
42. Cameo cuts and more  208. ionabunny  374. Kym  
43. Amanda  209. Marianne MW  375. Janny  
44. Sandra H  210. Crea S #3  376. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
45. irene  211. Bananastamper  377. Mema's Crafts  
46. Bettina  212. Crafty Kiwi Mama  378. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
47. Susan :)  213. Suze #8  379. Riliska  
48. Gail Scott  214. Suze #9  380. JennyH  
49. Suze #3  215. Christine - Cndn Stamper  381. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
50. Jessi  216. Asha  382. Misseke  
51. Pauline  217. Liselot  383. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
52. Sandra Carey  218. Kerry Louise  384. Helen  
53. Misseke  219. crafty  385. Elaine  
54. Helen  220. Sara S.  386. Joyce  
55. fabiola  221. meg  387. AJ  
56. Rachel Taylor  222. ~DEANNE~  388. Brenda B  
57. Heather Mills  223. rainmac  389. Shaz in oz.x  
58. Elena F.  224. linda dekker 2  390. JennyH  
59. Sandra Schabel  225. Bine  391. Bine  
60. caroline woodhall  226. Guild Master Crystal  392. fabiola  
61. Gail Scott  227. rachel fisher  393. Helen  
62. Christine Garner  228. caroline woodhall  394. Heather Mills  
63. mel  229. Ulla  395. Ruby  
64. Gail Scott  230. Ulla  396. meg  
65. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  231. Diana  397. Daisy  
66. meg  232. Nancy Parker  398. Gail Scott  
67. Gail Scott  233. Jessi  399. Gail Scott  
68. Sandy  234. Helen  400. Rose  
69. Christa  235. caroline woodhall  401. coldwaters2  
70. Bren  236. Bren  402. Miria  
71. ionabunny  237. Helen  403. Dee's cards  
72. Gail Scott  238. Gail Scott  404. Billie A  
73. Gemma  239. meg  405. Gail L.  
74. Dee's Cards  240. Crafty Kiwi Mama  406. Jo  
75. Dee's Cards  241. Lis-M  407. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
76. Cyndie Reis  242. Blankina  408. Linda Simpson  
77. Gail Scott  243. ~DEANNE~  409. Gail Scott  
78. Brenda B  244. fabiola  410. Tine  
79. Suze #4  245. ionabunny  411. Helen  
80. Marie Bingaman  246. Sarah - Stressedstamper  412. Liselot  
81. JoAnn B.  247. Jackie C  413. Blankina  
82. Cathy R  248. sylvia anderson  414. Mrs A.  
83. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  249. Erina  415. Cornelia (fun stamping)  
84. Suze #5  250. Anne-Marie  416. Di  
85. Cass  251. Anne-Marie  417. Marie Bingaman  
86. Denise Goeldner  252. Anet  418. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  
87. Carol  253. Anet  419. Rachel Taylor  
88. Helen  254. Anet  420. karasiowa  
89. Christina  255. AJ  421. Helen  
90. Zoe Tant  256. Angela O'Donoghue  422. meg  
91. meg  257. Sue bearhouse  423. Tine  
92. Asha  258. Jessi  424. ionabunny  
93. Brenda B x2  259. karasiowa  425. sharon hudson  
94. Susan :)  260. Misseke  426. Brenda B  
95. Anet  261. Helen  427. Rebecca Billard  
96. Maudieroff  262. fabiola  428. Sandra H  
97. Cornelia (fun stamping)  263. Gail Scott  429. Ginny B (5)  
98. Marjan  264. Rose  430. Suze #18  
99. Gail Scott  265. Gail Scott  431. scrappymo  
100. Bren  266. Gail Scott  432. Lisbeth  
101. Miss C  267. Dee's Cards  433. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
102. Rachel Taylor  268. Daisy  434. Theresa P  
103. Nancy in Iowa  269. sylvia anderson  435. Theresa P  
104. aNNie♥  270. Mrs A.  436. meg  
105. annie  271. Tammy A  437. aNNie♥ Australia  
106. Pat (mspfd)  272. Marie Bingaman  438. AJ  
107. Crafty Chris  273. Marie Bingaman  439. Sammibug  
108. caroline woodhall  274. Marie Bingaman  440. Kaija 2  
109. Christina  275. Marie Bingaman  441. Gail Scott  
110. karin  276. Ulla  442. Helen  
111. Jackie C  277. Pauline  443. Jacqui Robinson  
112. KT Fit Kitty  278. Liselot  444. Renate  
113. Amanda  279. caroline woodhall  445. Di  
114. Ruby  280. Anet  446. Ginny B (6)  
115. Crea S  281. fabiola  447. Billie A  
116. irene 2  282. Helen  448. Mary  
117. Gail Scott  283. Heather Mills  449. Guild Master Crystal  
118. Margaret M  284. Henriette  450. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
119. rachel fisher  285. KT Fit Kitty  451. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  
120. Liz  286. crafty  452. Guild Master Crystal  
121. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  287. Kaija  453. Lis-M  
122. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  288. Karen McAlpine  454. karasiowa  
123. Stacysaurus  289. miria  455. Laura Love  
124. Jo Nevill  290. Liz  456. Jacqui Robinson  
125. Brenda B  291. Liz  457. fabiola  
126. Elizabeth W  292. Cameo cuts and more  458. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  
127. Cornelia (fun stamping)  293. Robyn Oliver  459. crafty  
128. fabiola  294. Dee's Cards  460. Maudieroff  
129. Gail Scott  295. Jessi  461. meg  
130. Borqna  296. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  462. Gibmiss  
131. Jose  297. Vikki W  463. Mary H.  
132. Theresa P  298. Robyn Oliver 2  464. Zora  
133. Lynne in NI  299. Helen  465. Jessi  
134. Ginny B (2)  300. meg  466. Lynne in NI  
135. Suze #6  301. meg  467. Sue J  
136. scrappymo  302. Jessi  468. Suze #19  
137. Holly G  303. Brenda B  469. Loll Thompson  
138. Gail Scott  304. Suze #10  470. Amy S  
139. Carol  305. Suze #11  471. Glennis F  
140. fabiola  306. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  472. José  
141. Dawn  307. scrappymo  473. Gail Scott  
142. Lynne Walker  308. hellerlittle  474. Scrappellen  
143. Lynne Walker  309. Jacky - Paddington Fan  475.   
144. laney  310. karasiowa  476. H³NC  
145. Holly G  311. Carol  477. hellerlittle  
146. Berni C  312. Christine Harrop  478. Emma Burns  
147. AJ  313. Dee's Cards  479. Paddy  
148. Dorothy S  314. Marie Bingaman  480. Rachel Taylor  
149. AJ  315. Cornelia (fun stamping)  481. ~DEANNE~  
150. Dorothy S  316. caroline woodhall  482. Marie Bingaman  
151. Misseke  317. Asha  483. Liz  
152. fabiola  318. Suze #12  484. KT Fit Kitty  
153. Tinie  319. Kym  485. Karen Can.  
154. mel  320. JennyH  486. Gail Scott  
155. Gjiny  321. The Sparkly Fairy (Emma)  487. Ginny B (7)  
156. MARLENE  322. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  488. Scrappellen  
157. Elizabeth W  323. Mian Hahne  489. Yulianna  
158. Brenda B  324. linda dekker 3  490. Jessi  
159. Diana  325. Helen  491. Misseke  
160. Lisa Lynn  326. JennyH  492. Dee's cards  
161. Rocky  327. Elizabeth W  493. KT Fit Kitty  
162. Renate  328. Cameo cuts and more  494. Bettina  
163. Matthew (aged 12)  329. Cameo cuts and more  495. Rachel Taylor  
164. Lynne Walker  330. Cameo cuts and more  496. fabiola  
165. Ulla  331. Marie Bingaman  497. AJ  
166. Stempelgedöns  332. Marie Bingaman  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
